Open GI, the general insurance technology partner, today reports growth in its latest financial year. Sales increased by 5.1% to...
Managing general agent Arkel’s landlords let property insurance product is now available via the Open GI trading platform.
Open GI today announces the appointment of Peter Thompson as its chair, effective immediately.
Specialist MGA Commercial Express has joined Open GI’s commercial panel, giving brokers access to its’ specialist property insurance.
Open GI has teamed up with artificial intelligence specialists OpenDialog to bring advanced conversational AI agents to its customers.
How Open GI’s dynamic pricing tool allows brokers to win more business.
How Open GI works with brokers and MGAs to make the software provider a partner that goes beyond tech.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer something in the future, it’s here today and insurance brokers are already taking advantage.
The award-winning solution from HUG HUB, Digital Platform offers advanced digital portal capability for insurance brokers and MGA’s.
Are you doing enough to protect your business from the increasing risk of a cyber-attack? Hosting your software in...
More brokers than ever are embracing new technology to enhance their customer experience. Automation in insurance is often taken for...
Is short-term insurance a fad, or a sound long-term investment for the future? It is certainly gaining traction across the...