Case Study

Chris Knott Insurance

We spoke to Simon Clark, Data, Quality & Process Controller at Chris Knott Insurance, to find out how Core has provided a smart technological solution for the business’ insurance broking and policy administration.

Sophisticated reporting functions for performance tracking

Customisable workflows for enhanced customer experience

Solution: Core

At Chris Knott Insurance, we strongly believe in providing a high-level personal service throughout a policy’s lifecycle. As our business grew, it became evident that we needed a technological solution to help us manage information and get accurate quotes to our customers quickly. Without it, we could negatively impact customer satisfaction.

To that end, we began working with Open GI (OGI) in 1990 and started using their Core product. This provides us with an end-to-end solution when it comes to selling and processing insurance policies. Thanks to OGI’s continuous platform development, we have been customers of theirs ever since.

“OGI remains the right partner for us.”

We joined forces with OGI many years ago, but their investment in further development has ensured that we continue to give our customers fast, accurate quotes. Core also continues to support us behind the scenes, giving us the tools to monitor performance and stay on top of documentation.

Find out more about CK Insurance Services